Get in Touch
Give us your views
Your views and suggestions are important. They help us to improve the services we provide. We would like you to tell us about your experiences so that we continue to make life better for people who use our services and their families/carers.
In this page
Giving feedback
The Patient and Carer Experience Team manages all feedback received by the Trust and supports service users to access appropriate help and advice. They can also signpost to partner providers and organisations, who may be better placed to offer support or respond to your concerns.
Whether you have a compliment, comment, enquiry or complaint, we will help you in any way we can. Everyone likes to receive praise and we hope you will tell us when you receive a good service from us. We always make sure these comments are passed on to the members of staff involved and to the Trust Board.
We recognise that raising concerns about patient care can be difficult; however, if you are unhappy about any aspect of the service please talk to us. We are committed to resolving issues quickly whenever possible and will liaise with clinical teams to provide you with a swift response. If your issues remain unresolved or you would like to make a formal complaint, we can advise you on the complaints process and provide information on how to seek independent advice.
How do I give feedback?
If you would like to share your views or make a complaint, you can:
- Speak to a staff member or manager at the service you are using
- Fill in our online form
- Call 0300 421 8313
- Email
Or write to:
Patient and Carer Experience Team
Edward Jenner Court, 1010 Pioneer Avenue
Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, Gloucester
Friends and Family Test
The Friends and Family Test is an important way for our Trust to receive feedback from our service users and their families about their experience. Listening your views helps us identify what is working well and what can be improved.
You can complete our Friends and Family Test here:
You may also be contacted by text message or email to seek your views about our services
Find out more about the NHS Friends and Family Test at
Making a complaint
Who can make a complaint?
You can make a complaint if you:
- use or are entitled to support from the Trust’s services
- are a relative/carer/friend of a service user and have their written consent
- are affected by the action or inaction of the Trust
How long do I have to make a complaint?
Your complaint should be made within:
- 12 months of the date of the incident being complained about
- 12 months of the date you realised the incident happened
If your complaint is outside these time limits, please contact our Patient and Carer Experience Team on 0300 421 8313 or via to discuss if it is still possible to properly consider your complaint.
What happens after I have made a complaint?
We will ask you about your experience and agree the issues you would like us to look into. We will then write to you to formally acknowledge your complaint and explain the next steps. Once the investigation into your complaint has been completed, we will write to you with our findings and any learning that has been identified. This process typically takes up to 12 weeks.
Please note, we are unable to look into issues that have already been investigated by the Trust. If you are unhappy with a previous investigation by the Trust, please speak to the Patient and Carer Experience Team on 0300 421 8313 or via to discuss your outstanding concerns.
Who else can I talk to if I am still not happy?
We hope that we can resolve matters for you; however, you can ask the Health Service Ombudsman to review your complaint by writing to:
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP
Complaints Helpline: 0345 015 4033
Feedback from carers
As a carer of someone using our services, your feedback is really important to us. Please take a moment to complete our survey and give us your thoughts.
The survey is completely anonymous so we will not be able to respond individually. If you would like your feedback or concerns followed up, please also contact the Patient and Carer Experience Team on the details at the top of this page.
Advocacy services and other organisations
Advocacy services
If you need help to raise your concern or complaint, support is available through the following advocacy services:
Healthwatch is the independent national champion for people who use health and social care services. We’re here to make sure that those running services, and the government, put people at the heart of care. Their sole purpose is to understand the needs, experiences and concerns of people who use health and social care services and to speak out on their behalf. They focus on ensuring that people’s worries and concerns about current services are addressed and work to get services right for the future.